Govind Nagar Beach in Havelock (Nemo Reef)

Govind Nagar Beach in Havelock is a peaceful and remote beach perfect for long walks, especially during low tide when you may wade through the sea among the corals and witness a variety of marine life. And if You are a couple then You a lot of options for candlelight diner in Night on the Beach.

Govind Nagar Beach


How to reach?


Govind Nagar beach is within walking distance from Havelock Jetty take a . You can hire a two-wheeler or a cab to reach here within 10 minutes from most of the hotels on the island.


If you want your hotels nearby the beach then I would recommend the symphony and Grass lemon is perfect for you.


Timings for beaches - 


The beach is open to tourists all day, though it is best to visit early in the morning and late in the evening. It's not a good idea to come here in the middle of the day because it will be really hot and you may get sunburned. In the middle of the day, the tropical climate can be oppressive.


The best part to live there You can easily go to nearby places like Kala Patthar beach and Radhanagr beach.


The best time to go to Radha Nagar beach is when sunset 4;30Pm and Kala Patthar Beach is early in the morning 4:30 You have to wake up to see Beautifull sunrises.




What to see There?


This is a scenic and lovely place. Good to hang out with friends or explore solo. Sunrise view is amazing from this beach. Ideal for photography in the morning and The evening.


What are the activities to do?


It is the Best place to learn scuba diving in India in Tribe gate and Nemo reef is the most sought-after activity on this beach. You can also try snorkeling or swimming on your own. It is advisable to venture into the sea only under the supervision of an authorized guide or a scuba diver.


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