Which one is best Snorkeling vs Scuba diving ?

                 Snorkeling vs Scuba Diving

Are you searching for snorkeling VS scuba diving which is the best? If Your answer is yes then you are in the right place.

Through this blog post, you will know about some snorkeling advantages and scuba diving advantages and disadvantages.

So that can be helpful for you to differentiate which one is better?

First, discuss what is snorkeling?

In simple snorkeling only allows you to swim at the water's surface, and not go deep into the water.

These are some advantages of snorkeling -

  1. No need to go deep into the water.

  2. Easy to move into the Sea surface.

  3. Burns Calories.

  4. Boosts Your Cardiovascular System.

  5. Decreases Stress and Anxiety.

  6. Improves Breathing Ability.

  7. Increases Joint Mobility.

  8. Increases Lung Capacity.

  9. Tones Muscle.

  10. Easy on Your Body.

  11. Less expensive

Demerits - 

  1. See Fewer aquatics Creatures you will see compare to scuba diving.

Now we discuss scuba diving -

Mainly in scuba diving, You have to wear cloth for water protection then you need to wear mass all the safety kits with oxygen cylinders. 

Dive into the deep water of 12 meters there you will see the aquatic creature 

SO basically scuba diving is diving into the water in deep the ocean.

These are some benefits of scuba diving-

  1. Here you will dive deep into the 12-meter ocean so you will see a lot of aquatic creatures and marine life.

  2.  Increases emotional well being

  3.  Improves blood Circulation

  4. Connection with Nature

  5. Feeling of Freedom

  6. Increases your confidence and self-esteem

Demerits -

  1. Little Bit expensive.


So you have seen both advantages and disadvantages of snorkeling and scuba diving, so if want to explore or want to be a better experience of marine life underwater then scuba is better or want to hesitate or have some fear of water don't want to go deep then snorkeling is better.

So if your pocket allows you then you must go for scuba for planning to visit India then you must go scuba diving in Andaman

In Andaman you must go to havelock island there are very famous sites for scuba diving that is tribegate.


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